Monday 19 October 2009

new age religion - Environ-Mentalism: A New Religion for a New Age

new age religion - Environ-Mentalism, a lot say there is also a conspiracy in the new age for control.

"This video highlights the connection between the environmental movement and those who are striving to bring about a new system of control to the world.

Also be sure to check out part II of this video, titled 'Environ-Mentalism II: Means to an End'".

Sunday 18 October 2009

new age religion wiki wikipedia section on new age Spirituality Philosophy and cosmology


Spirituality - wiki on Spirituality "While there is no unified belief system, many spiritual practices and philosophies are common among adherents of the New Age Movement".


some important new age religion key words, are in this section that you will see crop up in new age religion discussions often.

in new age religion words like Spiritual beings
Gods, angels, Ascended Masters, elementals, ghosts, faeries, Spirit guides and the Afterlife, spirit, reincarnation and/or near-death experiences, among other terms in the section below.

"Philosophy and cosmology
Main articles: Philosophy and Cosmology
There is a general and abstract idea of God, which can be understood in many ways; seen as a superseding of the need to anthropomorphize deity. Not to be confused with pantheism.[citation needed]
Spiritual beings
Gods, angels, Ascended Masters, elementals, ghosts, faeries, Spirit guides and extraterrestrials can spiritually guide a person, if they open themselves to their guidance.
Consciousness persists after death as life in different forms; the afterlife exists for further learning through the form of a spirit, reincarnation and/or near-death experiences. There may be a belief in hell, but typically not in the traditional Christian sense or Islamic sense of eternal damnation. Universalist views of the afterlife are common.
Age of Aquarius
The current time period is claimed by some astrologers to be the dawning of the Age of Aquarius correlated to various changes in the world and some claim that the early 1960s was the actual beginning of the Age of Aquarius, though this claim is highly contentious. Common claims about the developments associated with the Age of Aquarius include, but are not limited to, human rights, democracy, innovative technology, electricity, computers, and aviation. Esoteric claims are that the Age of Aquarius will see a rise in consciousness.
Horoscopes and the Zodiac are used in understanding, interpreting, and organizing information about personality, human affairs, and other terrestrial matters.[28]
Life has a purpose; this includes a belief in synchronicity—that coincidences have spiritual meaning and lessons to teach those whom are open to them. Everything is universally connected through God and participates in the same energy.[29] There is a cosmic goal and a belief that all entities are (knowingly or unknowingly) cooperating towards this goal.
Indigo children
Children are being born with a more highly developed spiritual power than earlier generations.
Interpersonal relationships
There are opportunities to learn about one's self and relationships are destined to be repeated until they are healthy.
An important aspect of perception – offset by a somewhat strict rationalism – noted especially in the works of psychologist Carl Jung.
Positive thinking supported by affirmations will achieve success in anything;[34] this is based on the concept that Thought Creates. Therefore, as one begins focusing attention and consciousness on the positive, on the "half-filled" glass of water, reality starts shifting and materializing the positive intentions and aspects of life. A certain critical mass of people with a highly spiritual consciousness will bring about a sudden change in the whole population.[35] Humans have a responsibility to take part in positive creative activity and to work to heal ourselves, each other and the planet.
Human Potential Movement
The human mind has much greater potential than that ascribed to it[37][38][39] and is even capable of overriding physical reality.
Spiritual healing
Humans have potential healing powers, such as therapeutic touch, which can be developed to heal others through touch or at a distance".

Saturday 17 October 2009

new age religion in pictures and images


new age religion

new-age-religion-imagecolourful image showing new age religion themes, a joining of various religions to create a new age religion, new age religion of western beliefs and eastern beliefs, a new age religion of western culture and eastern culture combined.

new age religion vs christianity, or can it be new age religion with christianity, new age religion should be like a the christian religion in many aspects.

Friday 16 October 2009

new age religion - new online witch forum - Alyson Hannigan witch picture

Alyson-Hannigan-pictures-videonew witchcraft forum here is the link to witch NEW WITCH FORUM also famous buffy witch Alyson Hannigan picture, new age religion witch in buffy the vampire slayer.

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