Monday 10 January 2011

Saint Gabriel Archangel part of the new age religions? winter 2011

Saint Gabriel Archangel part of the new age religions?, i was wondering if old angelic orders are still applicable to new age religions, even though they have a history with other belief structures.

i still think it is interesting and necessary to look into old religious thinking and arch angelic orders to learn and get balanced information and ideas, also important this time of year due to it being winter 2011, is that the Archangel Gabriel is the Guardian of Winter.

Gabriel is also the archangel associated with 'vision'. He came to Mary to tell her that she would bear a child, the son of God, yet looking beyond the message, we realize he is sharing with her a vision of a role she will play in the Universe. Winter, therefore, is a time when the vision of our life will be revealed, if the necessary preparations have been made during the Fall Season.

During Winter, nature turns inward, and allows itself time to rest after the year's harvest. This reflects to us a time to be quiet, reflective, and allowing of new definition and revelation to come into our lives. After the releasing and purifying aspects of the Fall Season, Winter is a gentle peace which draws us inward, and reminds us tend to the inner-self for renewal. Perhaps the greatest gift you can bestow upon yourself during this season is the opportunity to look inward and allow a new expression of yourself, through thoughts, emotions, and desires, to take hold.

This is very appropriate after the Fall Season with its releasing and purifying qualities. The releasing and purification has created room for new expansion in our life. The Fall Season brings in a lot of new, usually in the material/physical world. This newness is given the chance of further refinement during the Winter as we spend time inside, both in the physical realm and in the mental/emotional and spiritual realms.

For instance, some people may find that they are not as judging or controlling as they once were. Perhaps, someone has come into their life who is teaching them to be more open and flexible. Or, maybe someone has quit a habit (cigarettes, perhaps), and now is challenged to find new ways to keep themselves occupied. These are just a few examples of what people may be experiencing at this time.

Winter is a time of realizing inner desires, and beginning the slow and steady process to anchor them into the physical. It is a time of 'vision' of where we are going, yet not necessarily how we will get there.



  1. Angels predate religion in my humble opinion, so yes they are apart of new age religions. Just because i'm pagan doesn't mean I don't believe in angels, and believe me I do believe in them and have seen a few.

  2. All that is very nice commentary had is replete with good, reasonable thought. However, the premise is off center. Jesus was surely not born in winter, on or near the winter solstice. However, I agree that angels are powerful created messengers and agents, protectors. Of course, if they are creatures, agents, messengers, they act on behalf of a boss who orders them about.This implies a good GOD, A CREATOR OF ALL THAT IS, IN HEAVEN AND EARTH AND UNDER THE EARTH, AND IN THE SEAS. Such amplification leads the serious seeker to Jewery, Christianity, Islam, Latter Day Saints, and all religions and denominations that posit a Creator being. Remember angels are creatures like ourselves, and while immortal, nor divine.


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