Wednesday 25 August 2010

richard dawkins new anti god religion

what is the point really to richard dawkins rampage against religion, if it is wrong why would he need to make a big show about it.

but then what if bits of religion are wrong, but not all the parts of religion, richard dawkins tries to fully eradicate religion, why, why is richard dawkins not just looking to take out the bad bits in religion or look for faults and keep the truths?.

but instead the atheist richard dawkins tried to go against every aspect of religion, this would be a mistake against his very own reasoning!.

you cannot just totally eradicate something that is a wonder of truths to be found, that is the idea of religious books like the bible, to make the searcher look for the truth, not have it all in direct answers.

this is why religions are written like they are to make people search for the truths in the religion, not just lay out all the answers in one go.

richard dawkins fails to realise that there are massive truths of the universe revealed through religion and to be found in religion, but instead richard dawkins just says religion is wrong lets do away with religion.

richard dawkins is doing a run of programs on tv at the moment on channel 4, richard dawkins is also famous for the god delusion.

richard dawkins


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