Wednesday 18 January 2012

earth changes is there a exact date or should you not think like that?

i do not think there is a exact date for these proposed earth changes that might take place, if you think you have some kind of exact date for earth changes like say this year, i think personally that there actually is no exact date and time for these earth changes.

one thing these earth changes might happen over a gradual period of time and not just all at once on one particular date.

and also i do not think it is correct to think things will happen on one particular date at a certain time, this is people thinking this way so that they are in control, and do not have to realise they are not in control, and it is other forces that are actually in control when it comes to things like changes happening on planet earth.

this year though they will be a lot of people getting into or onto the band wagon that there will something major happen at the end of the year, on a exact date, but i do not think it will work this, way and if there is going to be earth changes they will be spread out over various dates.

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